Resources for Children and Adolescents
- Cultural awareness: Children and youth in disasters (Podcast)
- Helping children and youth cope in the aftermath of disasters: Tips for parents and other caregivers, teachers, administrators, and school staff (Podcast):
- Helping students cope with media coverage of disasters: A fact sheet for teachers and staff (PDF)
- Tips for college students: After a disaster or other trauma
- Tornadoes, hurricanes and children: Website:
- The role of children in communicating disaster
Tom Mitchell, Katharine Haynes, Nick Hall, Wei Choong, & Katie Oven. (2008). The Roles of Children and Youth in Communicating Disaster Risk. Children, Youth and Environments, 18(1), 254-279. Link to Abstract - Resources for college students: Processing trauma after a disaster (SAMHSA) (PDF)
- Talking with children and youth after a disaster or traumatic event (SAMHSA) (PDF)
- Children’s exposure to media coverage of natural disasters (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center) (PDF)
- Tips for talking with and helping children and youth cope after a disaster or traumatic event: A guide for parents, caregivers and teachers
- Children and trauma, Website: