Psychology Education & Training Pre-Conference Workshop: Supervision of Early Career Psychologists: Fundamentals for Caribbean Psychology
Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Presenter: Dr. Aida Jimenez
Quality supervision of early career psychologists is critical to promote the growth and development of psychology in the Caribbean, and more importantly to protect the well-being of Caribbean peoples. While there is a long history of supervision in the clinical specialties in the region, supervision of early career psychologists is required across all specialties, including teaching, research, and applied work. However, many if not most, regional psychologists become supervisors without formal training and provide supervision, often as features of an informal system across specialties and contexts.
This introductory supervision workshop provides foundational knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of effective supervision, with an emphasis on a competency-based (supervisor and supervisee) framework that is relevant across specialties. In addition to providing an orientation to models and best practices, it also highlights the complexity of supervision and important issues including, prioritizing the cultural context, ethics, challenges and trends (e. g., tele-psychology), particularly as presented in Caribbean “small spaces”.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the mandate for supervision of early career psychologists in all specialties in psychology
- Critically examine the location of supervision in their organization as well as the national and regional professional psychology landscapes.
- Identify supervisory frameworks and developmental models of learning and reflection that promote a healthy and safe supervisory culture
- Outline the competencies of effective supervisors and the importance of utilizing a competency-based framework in supervision of early career psychologists
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of supervisors and supervisees across contexts and professional activities
- Discuss the knowledge and skills necessary to develop effective supervision relationships
- Highlight the complexities, challenges and trends of supervision via examples that reflect Caribbean realities.
Dr. Aida Jiménez, Associate Professor, Director of Clinical Training and Coordinator of the Ph.D. in the Area of Emphasis in Clinical Psychology, at the Department of Psychology at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. Dr. Jiménez completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Florida State University, her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Puerto Rico, and a Post-doctoral in Family Therapy at the Department of Psychiatry, Harvard University. Her main research interests are systems therapies, diversity, clinical supervision, and mental health disparity among minority populations. She has published and given multiple scientific presentations in these areas in national and international professional conferences. She was past Associate Professor at the Department of Psychiatry at Vanderbilt University, co-director of Clinical Training of the Vanderbilt-VA Internship Program, and an APA accredited internship. She was also past Clinical Training Director of the Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Program at Carlos Albizu University in Puerto Rico.